[摘要] 楼板是水平抗侧力构件的重要组成部分。它在承受和传递竖向力的同时,把水平力传递和分配给竖向抗侧力构件,协调同一楼层中竖向构件的变形,使建筑物形成一个完整的抗侧力体系。连接二个或几个主体结构的连接板是楼板的薄弱部位。本文针对薄弱连接板的平面内应力分析及其抗震设计,采用分块刚性力学模型作一些探讨。工程实例表明,时程分析法反映了连接板两端主体结构潜在反相运动产生的平面内应力增大效应。对于连接板的截面设计,笔者推荐采用主拉应力表达式。小震作用下,按裂缝控制等级二级,采用混凝土抗裂强度标准值作为控制连接板混凝土核心层开裂的指标。中震作用下,采用水平钢筋的抗拉强度设计值作为连接板承载能力的指标。
[关键词] 水平抗侧力构件 连接板 平面内应力 中震分析
Abstract : In seismic design of buildings, floors are horizontal elements of the lateral force resisting system. They play an important role in transferring and distribution of the horizontal forces generated by earthquake excitations to vertical elements of the lateral force resisting system, such as columns and shear walls. The linking slab, connecting two or more than two main structures at its ends, is the weak place of the floor. The paper proposed a procedure for analysis of in-plan stresses of the linking slab. It is shown that the potential out-phase motion of the two main structures would cause the stress concentration in vicinity of holes and corners of the slab, which could be observed in the results obtained by time history analysis. The authors suggest that the formulae for design of reinforced concrete linking slab under the horizontal seismic action would be the expressions in terms of the principal tensile stress.
Key words : horizontal elements of lateral force resisting system ; linking slab ; in-plan stresses ; seismic analysis with respect to demanded earthquake