Abstract: Shear stresses caused by unbalanced moment at slab-column connection may result in diagonally cracking earlier in concrete core and consequently punching failure, which has great influences on ductility of the structure. We propose seismic performance objectives of two-way column-supported slab for three seismic use levels. The slab shall be designed to be not cracked in concrete core for small earthquake, to be elastic for moderate earthquake and to keep capability to transfer both vertical and horizontal forces for severe earthquake. The minimum slab thickness is required for that diagonal shear stress at the critical section shall be no more than characteristic tensile strength of concrete, ftk, during small earthquake. Shear compensation shall be included in ultimate state design of flexural strength, as the core is diagonally cracked. A design illustration shows that slab-column connection, designed in accordance with the presented objectives, do not yield in push-over analysis.
Key words: slab-column joint; diagonal cracks; punching failure; performance-based design